We learn things throughout our entire life but we don’t remember everything because we forget a lot of information. Late night studies with usual technique to read 1000 pages text book and the camphene stuffs to keep you awaken whole night with the hope that some of it would stick .But it’s the most boring and most used technique according to the basic researches. Think of it ,you try to become a expert to a subject for 24 hrs so that you can put it on the paper the next day and forget it immediately after done with the exams.
Remember there’s a lot of chance to get blind in the exam in such case .Oh yes, also forget about the results!
Why does this happen? How to remember things much better?
Well bright side will tell you about simple memorizing tips and a universe of formula will retrieve any information from your memory when you need it.
For beginners, Lets talk about why we forget things?
Human brain is like a hard-drive the space is limited. Your brain protects you from overloading information, that’s why all new data is stored in short term memory and not the long one .So if you don’t revise it and use it you forget it very quickly.
A German psychologists Hermann Ebbinghaus researched the memory and its mechanisms,he then described the forgetting curve which shows that just one hour after learning something new we forget more than half of the learned data. One day later we remember almost 30 percent of the total information and eventually a month after there is no chance to remember anything.
How to remember everything?
There is memorizing technique called spaced repetition. A most interesting technique to hack your brain.
Quiz your brain!
When you learn something new, use a flashcard and note the topic name on it.Pile up such topics you learn in a study hour. The next day is the revision day. Now randomly pick up any card and try to answer the topic on it, If you answer it correctly keep it in a separate box .If you answer it wrong, Keep in the box of frequent play. Repeat this play sessions regularly.Remember It fits in long term storage if revised for 10000 times. You can play with your classmates as well to make it more effective and live.
It’s a technique to make your brain sharp .Eventually you will start remembering as you exercise it regularly.
Cheat in the exam!
It doesn’t mean that you will be cheating from your mobiles or cheats. It’s the most exciting technique and you would surely start loving your studies. Start linking the things with the topic in the classroom you sit daily or a room you study in. For example consider a History topic ‘world war 1’, We usually find it boring but make it exciting by making your environment the entities of the 'world war 1'.Consider yourself as the captain of a country, your friend as the captain of the second .Name the objects like windows in the room as the soldiers and chalk and duster to be your governors .Now line up the world war story, You will find the world war 1 to be happening in front of you again which you would never forget. The day of the exam is nothing for you, your classroom is now the book and you are ready to cheat legally. This technique is known as mind mapping technique where you mind map the things and remember them easily.
There are more techniques you can go with but this are which I like the most.In case you know something amazing ,comment your way of learning I would research and come up with lots of more interesting things related to it.
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