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How to get a fair skin easily ?

Remedy  1


  1.     Cup (besan) Gram flour.
  2.     Cup of lukewarm milk.
  3.     Lemon


1.  Mix gram flour and milk in a way that they properly form a semi liquid mixture.

2.  Now squeeze half of lemon in the mixture and stir the mixture properly again to make it smooth mixture.

3.  Keep the mixture covered with a plate for 5 minutes.

4.  After 5 minutes apply the thin layer of mixture on the parts you want to make fair.

5.  Let it dry for 20 minutes and then wash it off by scrubbing in circular motion with Lukewarm water.

6.  Repeat this every day before you take bath. You would most probably get results in days itself.

Remedy 2

  1.     Half cup of red lentil (masoor dal).
  2.     Sandalwood powder packet that would be available in any store.
  3.     Half cup  of  warm water.

1.  Make a powder of red lentil from the mixture you use in the kitchen.

2.  Now mix sandalwood powder with the red lentil powder.

3.  Store this mixture in any bottle or a packed container as you can use it for a long time.

4.  Now take 1 Teaspoon of the mixture and mix water in it so that a semi-liquid mixture can be formed.

5.  Apply the mixture on the parts you want to make light.

6.  Keep it for 10 minutes.

7.  Rinse it by scrubbing in circular motion.

8.  Apply a regular routine cream after you rinse.

9.  Use this remedy every day , it will help to remove dead skin ,dark spots,pimples giving you a shinny and glowing skin.

10.Results in maximum 3 days.

Remedy 3

  1.    One Cucumber
  2.    One cup of curd. 

1.   Remove the cover of the cucumber using a knife.

2.   Cut the cucumber in the small size pieces.

3.   Now using the mixer from the kitchen grind the cucumber pieces into a paste.

4.   Mix the curd in the formed paste.

5.   Apply the mixture to the parts you want to make light.

6.   Keep it for half hour and rinse it with lukewarm water.

7.  You would be surprised with the instant results.

Remedy  4

1.  Take a tomato and smash it in a bowl.

2.  Apply the paste on the parts that are dark.

3.  Keep it overnight and wash it up in the morning.

4.  It helps to revamp the skin tone from the inner layers of skin.

5.  Use this method 2 times a week .Results would be seen in a week itself.


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