Facts to stay happy and lively!
If you are busy with your life routines and do not get time
to live your life then my friend it’s a high time. Close your eyes and think do
you really need time to stay happy .If
yes, then you are thinking of relaxing yourself .I say there is no need to get
out of your routine to stay happy and live your life. We waste around 6 years
of relaxing being a kid and that’s enough stuff for whole life. We already
started learning things in the mother’s womb itself just its time to implement
them. NO RELAXING, Take an effort to stay happy and satisfied .
Do not worry, Read the following ways to live your life
moment completely.
Start the day with Smile
Whatever the situation may be, Learn to smile. Our universe
is such an extreme power that it would start being your assistant and make
things happens for what you expect. Smile every morning you get up it requires nothing,
It will help you to relief your stress, lower your blood pressure, make your
mood enthusiastic and longer life. Trust me try smiling in a worst situation
you will come up with something very positive to happen. This is a universal
magic that it reflects what we do. Send positive vibes to it ,It will do the
same for you.
Greet People
Take an effort to make every single creature of the mother earth
to be greeted . Greet your pet, plants, kids ,neighbors ,family members everyone to make life a live happening story. At the end of the day you feel
satisfied that people love to respond you and love the way you greet them. You would
be respected in your community for your positive approach towards your environment.
Think of the two people one being reserved and dull and the other being happy
cheerful and loving. Yes, we would love being the second one.
Love yourself
Everyone loves to be attractive and complimented. It does
not take much effort to take care of oneself. Remember people talk about what
you show and give them. Start with being fit I do not suggest be an fitness freak
personage but try to clean your soul. There’s a lot of dirt a soul and the body
carries. Eat what you like but if it’s going to gift you fats then exercise to
the limit that you’re back to normal. Mediate for just 5 min after you get up and
before you go to sleep. Chant your loved god’s name for once a day ,Believe me
its every satisfying .Share your problems to him and thank him for giving them
.Remember every problem make more strong. Wear what you like, Take selfies,
post them on social Medias, engage with people .Surely these things would make
you a magnet to positive things.
Help the needy

It’s not only about the your colleagues and friends but for
the real needy person who you may find anywhere anytime. Try donating for no reason,
it’s a biggest satisfaction. Never lend money to a beggar show him a way to work or feed him food. Make him learn to
be self dependent. I personally believe be an change to someone’s life and
improvise the life .You would answer the divine with more gratitude. Never
expect things if you really want to live happy life, never compare things to
one who is rich. Instead look at those people who are not even receiving a boon
to eat proper food in a day. You will realize the life value. Money never make you
rich, your life moments make it to best fit. Gift a loyal judgment to yourself
and smile remembering those in your coming aging.
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